Create a suggestion and incentives system at your organization to recognize water-saving ideas.
Include a water-saving tip in your employee newsletter. Find 100+ tips at wateruseitwisely.com.
Implement a water management plan for your facility, then educate employees on good water habits through newsletters and posters.
Water Saving Tip #147
Implement a water management plan for your facility, then educate employees on good water habits through newsletters and posters.
Publish your organization’s monthly water use to show progress toward water-saving goals.
Invite your water utility conservation staff to your organization for Earth Day and other environmental events to help…
Water audit your facility to find out your recommended water use, then monitor your utility bills to gauge…
Have maintenance personnel regularly check your facilities for leaks, drips and other water waste.
If you use processed water in your business or facility, look into water recycling.
Contact your water utility to see if rebates are available for purchasing water-efficient fixtures, equipment or for facility audits.
Water Saving Tip #153
Contact your water utility to see if rebates are available for purchasing water-efficient fixtures, equipment or for facility audits.
Consider and compare water use when purchasing ice makers, dishwashers, reverse osmosis units, coolers and cleaning equipment.
Become or appoint a water ambassador within your organization who creates, implements and maintains your water conservation program.
Become a proud WaterSense® partner and let all your customers know.

100+ Water-Saving Tips
Saving water is easy. Really easy. Here are more than 100 useful water-saving tips for your home and office. Learn how to save water indoors and outdoors. Incorporate these tips into your everyday habits. Before long, you’ll be a natural at water conservation.