Conserve with Us
History of Water – Use It Wisely
The Water – Use It Wisely campaign was launched in 1999 to promote an ongoing water conservation ethic among Arizona’s rapidly growing population. “Don’t tell us to save water. Show us how.” That was the sentiment of Arizona residents when local cities studied the best messages to use with water conservation outreach.
With a mission to keep water conservation in the forefront of people’s minds in a smart, fun, and practical way, Water – Use It Wisely created unexpected, but highly effective water-saving devices, like a toothbrush, broom, and a tuna can. These, and 100+ other devices, remind consumers to think about the water they’re using when they come across the items in everyday life. Water-saving device #1 is, of course, you!
Even more essential though, the campaign is designed to build awareness for Arizona’s unique water situation, and to educate the public on why water conservation in our state is so important. On our pages or in our messaging, you’ll find Arizona water facts, kid’s games, blogs, landscaping advice, and more.
The campaign was initially offered outside of the state, and following Arizona’s lead, nearly 400 towns, cities, states, utilities, and private and public organizations adopted the Water – Use It Wisely campaign, making it one of the largest conservation educational outreach programs of its kind.
In 2021, Water – Use It Wisely launched an updated brand with a new logo, look, website, and more, based on research that was conducted the past year. The goal being to focus on Arizona water topics and issues, which can be both unique and complex, and to inspire our water users as to the best ways to use water wisely in our state.
The Impact of the Water – Use It Wisely Regional Campaign
Together, the Water – Use It Wisely Regional partners orchestrate messaging, media interviews, public engagement promotions, classroom visits, and more to spread water awareness with a consistent and unified message throughout the Valley. With a website that attracts nearly 3,000 pageviews daily and more than 30,000 subscribers to our eNewsletter, as well as robust followers and fans on social media.
By participating with an ongoing program rather than beginning a new campaign, a partner can benefit significantly as the bulk of campaign monies will go directly to purchasing media space or time, bolstering the campaign’s frequency. This represents considerable savings of creative development costs, which a separate advertising program would otherwise incur. The partnership further provides better buying power and greater marketing possibilities for sponsorships.
In fact, over the years the private sector has dived in. The Home Depot and Lowe’s have featured ‘Water – Use It Wisely Months’ in their stores throughout Arizona. Companies like Ewing Irrigation and Landscape Supply, Rain Bird, Wells Fargo, and Hines Horticulture have been active sponsors of the campaign. So have organizations such as the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Arizona Coyotes.
Water – Use It Wisely is a Coalition of Smart Water Users
Today, 18 partners drive Arizona’s Water–Use It Wisely coalition, sharing a commitment to sustaining our most precious resource by reducing our water use. Our campaign wouldn’t exist without them. The vision of the Arizona Regional Partners and their efforts in creating a universal water conservation message has been recognized with a flood of local, regional, national, and international awards. Learn more about our Regional Partners.
If you are interested in becoming a Water – Use It Wisely campaign partner or sponsor, contact us.
Read Our Year-End Summary Reports
Read about some of our most recent accomplishments or check out our past reports to learn more about the campaign:
How to Conserve with Us!
This campaign is all about giving voice to water – your voice. No matter where you need to get the water word out – business, home, classroom, or municipality – we’ve developed a variety of ways to use Water – Use It Wisely as a tool to help spread your own unique water conservation message
#1 Link Your Website to Ours
By linking your website to ours, visitors will have access to all the award-winning content from WaterUseItWisely.com. Currently, over 20,000 sites around the world link to WaterUseItWisely.com, and we’d love to have you join the cause by adding our logo to your website now.
#2 Sign-up for Our Water – Use It Wisely News
Sign up for our news updates for delivery right to your inbox and receive regular updates on water events, workshops, and news. Sign up below.
#3 Connect With Us On Social Media
Water – Use It Wisely has a Facebook page, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter , and YouTube channel. These channels are a great way to get to know those who share a passion for water conservation. Visit all of them and get connected. If you have water conservation news or an opinion to share, we also welcome guest writers/bloggers for our Water – Use It Wisely news on our homepage.
#4 Tap the Power of the Brand
Private companies can join the cause by becoming an Arizona Water – Use It Wisely campaign partner or sponsor. Doing so will add immediate and powerful credibility to your conservation efforts. To learn how you can become a partner or sponsor, please email us today. Leverage a proven, universally accepted campaign to support smarter water use and management in your community.
#5 Get Educational Materials for Kids
Help teach children about water conservation so they can build smart habits that will last a lifetime. Check out our Kids and Teachers Page, where you’ll find kids tips, teacher resources, lesson plans, and fun activities like our Tip Tank water conservation game.
#6 Spread the Word
Are you writing an article, or do you need tips for a newsletter, a blog or a school paper? Water – Use It Wisely is overflowing with great water-saving tips, ideas and tools to share. Feel free to share our 100+ tips, information from our section on Top Landscape Ideas, or a listing of our Arizona landscape classes and more. When suitable, provide credit as “Source: wateruseitwisely.com.”
Contact us today by email for more information.