Chandler – Optimize Your Smart Controller (Rachio)

Having trouble understanding the complexities of your smart timer? This classes will take the mystery out of programming your Rachio irrigation controller and will teach you how to program to water efficiently.

Chandler – Optimize Your Smart Controller (BHyve)

Having trouble understanding the complexities of your timer? This class will take the mystery out of programming your BHyve irrigation controllers and will teach you how to program to water efficiently.

Glendale’s Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater – it’s free, fresh, and filling! This class is all about the Watershed Management Group’s three S’s: slow, spread, and sink. Learn how to use passive rainwater harvesting to create a series of berms, basins, and swales that will direct rainwater to beneficial use for plants while reducing flooding and erosion in your yard. Venue: Zoom webinar Organizer: City …


Peoria – The Best Small Desert Trees

How big of a tree do you need? A tree that is too big for its location will eventually lead to the damage of surrounding sidewalks, neighbor disputes, and eventually the huge cost of removal. In this class a certified arborist will go over small to moderate tree options that work with our climate including photos, pros, cons, and tips …

Chandler – Landscape Container Gardening

Learn the basics of landscape container gardening for patios or yard accents, as well as selection of plant size, shape and color to create intriguing arrangements. With the right container plants, you can even attract hummingbirds and butterflies.

Glendale’s Sonoran Desert Edibles*

The Sonoran Desert is one of the most ecologically diverse deserts in the U.S. Many native plants were important sources of food and medicine for indigenous people. Get a whole new appreciation for the desert by learning about edible and medicinal plants. *The information shared in this class does not constitute medical or dietary advice. Venue: Zoom webinar Organizer: City …


Peoria – Wildlife Friendly Landscapes

Now more than ever our native wildlife needs help to continue to thrive in our urban areas. You can help by turning your yard into a mini wildlife sanctuary! It's easy to create an inviting environment for birds, butterflies and other creatures using a wonderful array of native and desert adapted plants.

Chandler – The ABC’s to Landscape Watering

Wondering about how long, how much and when to water your landscape? This class will take the mystery out of yard watering and will teach you the how, when and where of landscape irrigation.

Glendale’s Cacti and Succulents for Desert Gardens

Get familiar with a wide variety of intriguing sculptural forms that can embellish your desert landscape. These plants are drought tolerant and low maintenance, yet provide a range of color, texture, and size – who could ask for more? Learn how to use them for maximum effect in your garden. Venue: Zoom webinar Organizer: City of Glendale 623.930.3760


Peoria – Resilient Landscapes

Is your landscape resilient to our regions extreme climate and low precipitation? A landscaping expert will walk you through the ways you can increase the resiliency and health of your landscape while still providing shade, color, and an aesthetically pleasing view.

Chandler – Pruning for Monsoon Season

Join an ISA certified arborist who will teach you how to avoid common mistakes that contribute to tree failure in storms, how to identify potential problem areas, and how to find a professional when needed.

Mesa’s Xeriscape: Landscaping with Style in the Arizona Desert

Treeland Treeland Nursery, Mesa, United States

What is xeriscape and how do you pronounce it? In this presentation, you’ll learn how to use seven common-sense design principles to help you create or maintain a beautiful desert landscape. Discover how to create a sense of place while attracting birds and butterflies all while saving water, too. Horticulturist and Conservation Coordinator, Donna DiFrancesco, from the City of Mesa …
