Glendale’s Warring with Weeds

The dreaded invasion of weeds into your landscape begins after the winter rains. Learn from a garden expert on how to sustainably control the weedy enemy before your entire landscape becomes a battlefield.  


Glendale’s Irrigation Controller Programming

Irrigation controllers, when used correctly, can be a beneficial tool in your landscape. Learn the basics on how to program your controller to match the watering needs of your plants.  


Surprise’s Free Water-Wise Workshop: Fix-a-Leak Tutorial

In preparation for EPA's annual Fix-a-Leak week on March 16-22, your Surprise water conservation team will teach you how to use your water meter to locate and fix leaks inside and outside of the home.


Chandler’s Free Water-Wise Workshop: Composting 101

Come learn the process of turning yard waste and organic food scraps into vital nutrients for your garden soil. Compost reduces the need to water as often as well as the need for commercial soil amendments and chemical fertilizers.

Goodyear’s Cactus for Everyone

Cactus, unique and interesting gifts of the desert southwest. They deserve a place in everyone's landscape, either a giant saguaro centerpiece or a potted pincushion in the windowsill. This class will provide instruction on variety selection, planting/potting, water, pruning, fertilizer, and even propagation. Presented by Jonathan Manning, Certified Arborist.

Glendale’s Desert Edibles*

The Sonoran Desert is one of the most ecologically diverse deserts in the U.S. Many native plants were important sources of food and medicine for indigenous people. Get a whole new appreciation for desert-adapted plants by learning about which ones are good to eat.   * Information shared in this class does not constitute medical or dietary advice.  


Cancelled: Goodyear’s Trees for Arid Yards

How big is the cute baby tree in your yard going to get? A tree that will get too big for its location will lead to damage of surrounding foundations and sidewalks, neighbor disputes, and eventually the huge cost of removal. Different species will be discussed thoroughly including photos, pros/cons, and tips on special care. Presented by Jonathan Manning , …

Cancelled: Glendale’s Monsoon Tree Pruning

Be prepared this monsoon season. In this class, a certified Arborist will share the do’s and don’ts of tree pruning for successful summer trees.