Mesa’s free landscape workshop: Watering for the Arizona Desert


City of Mesa staff water conservationist and horticulturist, Donna DiFrancesco, will talk about simple steps to landscape watering and programming your irrigation timer. After attending this workshop, you just may save some money on your water bill too!


Hydrate Mesa: Hydrate Your Food

Hydrate Your Food Use rain tanks to support your vegetable garden Rain tanks are like rain barrels, only upgraded: bigger, better, and your harvested rainwater lasts longer. While most rain barrels hold about 50 gallons of water, rain tanks can hold 1,000 gallons or more, capturing water from several storms and storing it for use over the course of many drier …


Surprise’s free landscape workshop: Drab to fab

We're kicking off the planting season with this landscape makeover workshop. You will learn how to get the most out of your landscape renovation with step-by-step guidelines, tips on hiring landscape professionals, and a special focus on rainwater harvesting retrofits.


Chandler’s free landscape workshop: The ABC’s of Landscape Watering & Timer Operation

Wondering about how long, how much and when to water your landscape? You’re not alone - outdoor watering is often a place where water is wasted. This class will take the mystery out of irrigation and will teach you the how, when and where of landscape watering. Participants will learn how to program an irrigation timer using actual controllers (timers). …


Surprise’s free landscape workshop: Scentsational

You survived the summer, temperatures are starting to drop, and you're itching to get back in the yard! As you prepare your planting schedule, we are here to help with a special focus in this workshop on aromatic plants.


Surprise’s free landscape workshop: Plant selection

Whether you are new to desert landscaping, or just a plants nerd like us, you'll find something to inspire you as you prepare for the planting season. This class will focus specifically on plant selection for desert-adapted plants. Pretty plants that won't break my water bill? Yes, please!
