Leave lawn clippings on your grass, this cools the ground and holds in moisture.
Adjust your lawn mower to the height of 1.5 to 2 inches. Taller grass shades roots and holds…
Hire a Smartscape Certified professional landscaper who has received landscape training specific to the Sonoran Desert.
Hire a qualified pro to install your irrigation system and keep it working properly and efficiently.
Water Saving Tip #81
Hire a qualified pro to install your irrigation system and keep it working properly and efficiently.
For automatic water savings, direct water from rain gutters and HVAC systems to water-loving plants in your landscape.
Collect water from your roof by installing gutters and downspouts. Direct the runoff to plants and trees.
Call your local conservation office for more information about xeriscaping with water-thrifty trees, plants, and ground covers.
Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low-water-use plant and save up to…
Visit your local xeriscape garden to view plants that thrive in our hot desert environment.
Water Saving Tip #76
Visit your local xeriscape garden to view plants that thrive in our hot desert environment.
Use 2 to 4 inches of organic mulch around plants to reduce evaporation and save hundreds of gallons…
Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants helps them retain moisture, saving water, time and money.
Use a layer of organic mulch on the surface of your planting beds to minimize weed growth that competes for…