- #118
Use a pool cover to help keep your pool clean, reduce chemical use and prevent water loss through evaporation.
- #119
Make sure your swimming pools, fountains and ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.
- #120
If you have an automatic refilling device, check your pool periodically for leaks.
- #121
When back-washing your pool, consider using the water on salt-tolerant plants in the landscape.
- #122
Minimize or eliminate the use of waterfalls and sprays in your pool. Aeration increases evaporation.
- #123
Don’t overfill the pool. Lower water levels will reduce water loss due to splashing.
- #124
Keep water in the pool when playing, it will save water.
- #125
Instead of building a private pool, join a community pool.
- #126
Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation than those that spray water into the air.
- #127
Use a grease pencil to conduct a bucket test to check for pool leaks. An unnatural water level drop may indicate a leak.