1. #166

    Test your co-workers or employees on topics like xeriscape, WaterSense®, and high-efficiency toilets. See how water-wise they are.

  2. #165

    Write feature articles on your employee website that highlight water-saving ideas and successes.

  3. #164

    Ask employees for suggestions on saving water and give prizes for the best ideas. Incentivize it!

  4. #163

    Create a goal of how much water your company can save and plan a celebration once that goal…

  5. #162

    Shut off water to unused areas of your facility to eliminate waste from leaks or unmonitored use.

  6. #161

    Show your company’s dedication to water conservation through a policy statement. Commit management, staff and resources to the…

  7. #160

    Don’t forget hidden water use costs, like energy for pumping, heating and cooling, chemical treatment, and damage and…

  8. #159

    Conduct a facility water use inventory and identify water management goals.

  9. #158

    Determine how your on-site water is being used by installing sub-meters where feasible, then monitoring for savings.

  10. #157

    As part of the WaterSense® Fix-A-Leak Week in March, plan an employee campaign to look for leaks.

  11. #156

    Become a proud WaterSense® partner and let all your customers know.

  12. #155

    Become or appoint a water ambassador within your organization who creates, implements and maintains your water conservation program.