1. #69

    Consider attending a landscape class hosted by a water provider. Most workshops occur in the spring and fall.

  2. #68

    When sprucing up your front or backyard, consider xeriscaping. This landscape method uses low-water-use plants to limit your…

  3. #67

    Plant in the spring and fall, when the watering requirements are lower.

  4. #66

    Plant species native to your region.

  5. #65

    Reduce the amount of lawn in your yard by planting shrubs and ground covers appropriate to your site and…

  6. #64

    Choose the right Arizona-friendly plants and watch them thrive in our desert environment.

  7. #63

    Group plants with the same watering needs together to avoid overwatering some while underwatering others.

  8. #62

    Use porous material for walkways and patios to prevent wasteful runoff and keep water in your yard.