100+ Water-Saving Tips

Saving water is easy. Really easy. Here are more than 100 useful water-saving tips for your home and office. Learn how to save water indoors and outdoors. Incorporate these tips into your everyday habits. Before long, you’ll be a natural at water conservation.

  1. #181

    Give your landscape proper amounts of irrigation water. Determine water needs, water deeply but infrequently, and adjust to…

  2. #182

    Establish a monthly water budget for your landscape based on the water needs of your plants.

  3. #183

    Limit turf areas at your facility. Instead, landscape using xeriscape principles to cut water use in half.

  4. #184

    Put decorative fountains on timers and use only during work or daylight hours. Check for leaks if you…

  5. #185

    Wash company vehicles at commercial car washers that recycle water.

  6. #186

    Wash company vehicles as needed rather than on a schedule. Stretch out the time in between washes.

  7. #187

    Consider turning your high-maintenance water feature/fountain into a low-maintenance art feature or planter.

  8. #188

    When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They are more water and…

  9. #189

    Support projects that use reclaimed wastewater for irrigation and industrial uses.

  10. #190

    When ice cubes are leftover from your drink, don’t throw them out. Pour them on a plant.