A question we often receive as water conservation professionals is, “How much water should I use?” We squirm, hem, and haw because it’s not a simple answer!
Each household and yard is unique. Comparing utility bills with your neighbor is not the most accurate way to gauge if you are using the right amount of water. To solve this dilemma, Gilbert Water Conservation developed the Water Calculator to help residents:
- Project how much water they should be using
- Compare that projection to actual use
To do this, the Water Calculator asks you to answer a few simple questions. Based on how many people live in the house, the size and type of the landscape, and plumbing fixtures and appliances, it generates a water use projection specific to your household.
From the results page, you then have the ability to enter in your actual water use from your municipal utility bill. After inputting your actual use, the Water Calculator will determine your potential for water savings.
From there you will find tips and resources on how to save.
Try out the Gilbert water calculator for yourself, visit gilbertaz.gov/watercalculator.
Confused? Watch this great video for a visual guide on how to use the Water Calculator.
HINT: This Water Calculator is not just for Gilbert residents. Although the measure tool of the calculator is specific to Gilbert, if you live outside of Gilbert and need to measure your landscape areas for accurate input into the Water Calculator, you can do so here.
From time to time, Water – Use It Wisely features guest bloggers who write about topics related to water and water conservation. The author of this blog post, Haley Paul, is a Water Conservation Specialist for the Town of Gilbert. Haley studied sustainability at Arizona State University and is passionate about helping people save water. Follow her sustainability musings on Twitter @haleyepaul.