Archive for August, 2014

News & Events

Why Is It Important To End Bad Pruning?

August 25, 2014

By: Cass Turnbull, PlantAmnesty Founder/President I invented and have run a nonprofit to end bad pruning (mostly tree topping and unsustainable shearing) for 26 years. During that time I’ve written a lot about the topic: why topping and shearing are bad, how to prune selectively, why grounds crews won’t selectively prune, how to change pruning practices and how I came to …

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Time For Low-Flow Toilets To Take A Bow

August 21, 2014

Back when George H. W. Bush was president, the U.S. Congress passed a law that has helped the country conserve its water supply as we face drought and climate change. There was nothing glamorous about the law, but its impact was dramatic. The law, written and championed by Massachusetts engineer Amy Vickers, changed the amount of water that could be …

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Looking for Color, Shade and Easy Maintenance? Convert from Grass to Xeriscape!

August 7, 2014

Many valley cities are offering you cash! Cash for your grass that is! The purpose of a grass-to-Xeriscape program is to help customers reduce their landscape water use by half or more by replacing their water-thirsty lawns with landscape plants more suitable for our Sonoran Desert climate. What does Xeriscape mean? Xeriscape (zeer-a-scape) is a term that defines a creative approach to landscaping that …

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