Archive for October, 2022

News & Events

Happy Hallo-Wayne: Saving Water Doesn’t Have to be Scary

October 27, 2022

Hey everybody… Hallo-Wayne Drop here!   Spooky season is here! Your neighborhood is probably full of jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, skeletons, and witches… But saving water doesn’t have to be so scary!   Don’t get me wrong, there is a scary side to water… like misusing and wasting water. Boy, do I have frightening stories. Someone taking a 30-minute shower will drive …

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Simple Ways to Become More Water-Wise

October 17, 2022

Conservation actions are more vital than ever as pressures on our water supplies increase. While reducing your water use won’t solve the Colorado River shortage, conservation enables your city to maximize and stretch all of its water supplies – this is crucial when dealing with the consequences of a historic drought and shortages. As we all prepare to have less …

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October 6, 2022

Provides a stunning display of the bright pink clusters What a perfect name for this beautiful late summer blooming vine. The elegant Antigonon leptopus or Queen’s Wreath (also called Coral Vine) is one of those show-stopping plants that has likely caused near automobile accidents with their stunning display of the bright pink clusters. The rich, green, heart-shaped leaves seem to …

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