Archive for April, 2022

News & Events

Arbor Day: Because Trees are Nature’s Superheroes

April 26, 2022

Trees Are Superheroes Why do we celebrate Arbor Day, a day set aside just for trees? These superheroes of nature cool our environment, they help clean our air by absorbing carbon dioxide while also producing oxygen, and they provide habitat for wildlife. They help us save air conditioning costs in summer when properly placed around buildings to provide summer shade, …

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Shade Tree in front of home

Water Awareness Month: Be Water Aware

April 21, 2022

With the arrival of April, we celebrate Water Awareness Month, a perfect opportunity to learn more about water management and the importance of conservation in Arizona. In Arizona, it’s essential to understand water and realize that our daily choices affect our collective future, especially in our desert climate. That is why being more water aware will ensure we continue building …

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Plant of the Month: Azure Bush Germander

April 8, 2022

Something Blue Azure Bush Germander (Teucrium fruticans ‘Azureum’) is a unique blue flowering perennial that thrives in full sun & drought tolerant Arizona gardens. With striking silvery sage foliage and cooling blue purple blooms that cover the bush in Winter extending into Spring, it’s sure to bring pollinators and brighten up your garden at a time of year when most …

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