Archive for October, 2018

News & Events

Six Activities to Teach Kids About Water

October 30, 2018

Last April, I had my Water – Use It Wisely table set up on the back patio of a community center for an Earth Day event. A mom and her two young children were walking by and I heard the older one, about four years old, say, “Hey Mom, look, there’s a hummingbird on that tree.” I was shocked but …

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kids brushing teeth


October 26, 2018

Just because you’ve heard that the Earth is made up of 71 percent water, it does not mean that you can go ahead and waste it. We all need to appreciate it. If you have not realized how lucky you are that you’re living in a country where fresh water seems to be unlimited, then how about some demonstration? In …

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The Edible Gardening Series: Did Thy Garden Runneth Over (With Rain)?

All good things must come to an end, and so too must our four-part series on water-wise edible gardening. (Sad face.) To catch up on where we’ve been so far: we’ve gone over the basics, introduced you to some lesser-known desert delicacies, and let you in on the secret awesomeness of saving and sharing seeds. To wrap it all up, …

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Did You Know Reducing Your Energy Use Conserves Water?

October 23, 2018

Water is one of the most important utilities in our lives, which is why ensuring our ability to use it is so important. Unfortunately, we often end up wasting more than just water when we leave the tap running for too long. In fact, more than a quarter of all the energy we use revolves around heating and using water, …

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The Edible Gardening Series: Save The Seeds!

October 19, 2018

Welcome to the third installment of our early fall series on water-wise edible gardening. So far, we’ve talked about The Basics of Water-Wise Edible Gardening and introduced you to harvesting edibles from the landscape in our blog Putting The Desert In Dessert. Now it’s time to talk about seed saving and sharing. Survival of the fittest is the basic tenet …

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October 17, 2018

At a time when being eco-conscious is more trendy than it’s ever been, it is still not uncommon to find the only source of water in a public space to be an overpriced container of bottled water. While often a result of convenience, a consumer’s desire for an alternative to other packaged beverages, or just a sales opportunity, it’s difficult …

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The Edible Gardening Series: Putting The Desert In Dessert

October 12, 2018

We’re back with the second part of our four-part series on edible gardening! Did you miss us? We missed you! Last time we introduced you to the basics of water-wise edible gardening, and now that we’ve given you a week to mulch, plant and tend to your bountiful harvest (maybe), it’s time to talk about another favorite topic of ours: …

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October 9, 2018

For gorgeous blooms that will add vibrant color to your landscape and attract pollinators, such as hummingbirds, choose the Flame Anisacanthus. Description Flame Anisacanthus, Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii, has brilliant red to orange flowers that appear from June to November. The 1 ½-inch-long flowers are narrow and tube-shaped at the base, separating above into four parts that form a cross …

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October 2, 2018

On September 30, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson, signed into law the Colorado River Basin Project Act. Fifty years is a long time, especially to those who have lived that long, but to understand the impact of the Colorado River Basin Project Act, I actually think you need to look back even further to a story that began almost exactly …

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The Edible Gardening Series: The Basics of Water-Wise Edible Gardening

October 1, 2018

It’s October! Let’s rejoice with a sigh of relief for the unofficial end of summer, shall we? All at once now: ahhhhhh. Doesn’t that feel good? With cooler temperatures on the horizon, many of us in Arizona will be trading in the flip-flops for the trowel and tending to our vegetable gardens. All October long, we’ll be posting some of …

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