Archive for February, 2021

News & Events

Meet Wayne Drop – Our Official Spokes-Drop

February 22, 2021

Hello everybody – Wayne Drop here! So, when kids see me for the first time, they often ask, “what are you?!” No, I am not a team mascot for one of our pro sports teams. I tried out for a team once and splatted like a water drop on the backflip test. Which makes total sense because that’s exactly what …

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6 Habits to Fall in Love with this Valentine’s Day

February 10, 2021

LOVE is in the air! We love our earth and the special gifts it gives us, especially water. The water in Arizona is unique and should be appreciated. It got us thinking… what are some easy water-saving habits to fall in love with this Valentine’s Day? 1. Fall in love with sweeping your driveway or patio. Break-up with hosing it …

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Plant of the Month: Justicia

February 8, 2021

A different kind of flower this Valentine’s season. With long, colorful, tubular flowers, justicias are a hummingbird’s delight. Flower colors range from yellow to deep red. Justicias’ green foliage contrasts well with gray desert plants. Native to tropical and subtropical regions, they can be used in many types of landscapes. These semi-evergreen shrubs bloom throughout the year, inviting hummingbirds into …

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