“It gives me a sense of accomplishment!” That’s what one Master Gardener told me after I asked. I wondered about this when I offered composting classes to the public and always observed a great turnout of people with passion and enthusiasm for the topic.
There is definitely great satisfaction in taking green waste and kitchen scraps and watching the magical process as it turns into nutrient-rich food for plants and soil. But, don’t forget the bonus of mulching plants to help you reduce plant water needs by as much as 30%! Water – Use It Wisely offers the perfect tip: water-saving tip #7 – Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Instead, compost vegetable food waste and save gallons every time.
This month, Mesa is offering Backyard Composting: Breaking it Down to Basics on Wednesday, February 19 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the City of Mesa Red Mountain Library, 635 N. Power Road. Presenter, Don Titmus, a horticulturist and Permaculture instructor, will share the key ingredients necessary for success. The program is free and no registration is necessary. If you can’t make the program but would like more information on composting, see our February Sustainability Saving’s Tip.
From February through April there are numerous opportunities to learn more about saving water in your landscape! Be sure to visit our Water – Use It Wisely calendar for all of the fun events taking place by our fifteen Water – Use It Wisely regional partners!
Donna DiFrancesco is a conservation specialist with the City of Mesa, AZ, one of fifteen Water – Use It Wisely partners to offer water-saving advice and programs.