Living in the Southwest means learning to deal with periods of unusually warm temperatures and extended dry periods. Here are some tips to help you maintain your quality lifestyle and landscapes.
Adjust Sprinklers, Set Timers – Water only landscaped areas (not sidewalks or streets) and be sure to repair broken sprinkler heads promptly. As Water-Saving Tip #102 says: Apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it. Try the “Cycle and Soak” method to prevent runoff.
Water-Wise Car Washing – Use a turn-off nozzle on your hose or a bucket of water to wash your car, rather than allowing water to run continuously.
Dispose of Pool Water Properly – Don’t put swimming pool backwash water in the street or alley. Apply as much water as possible to adjacent lawn areas (Bermuda grass can tolerate backwash) or drain backwash water into your sewer cleanout valve. Learn more.
Waste Not, Want Not – You can play a big part in improving outdoor water management. Be sure to check sprinklers and irrigation systems frequently to water properly for the season and to ensure that water isn’t overflowing or misdirected. Beware, as most Valley cities can issue citations to property owners who cause street flooding.
By helping to eliminate unnecessary water waste you can ensure an adequate supply now and for the future.
If you have questions about saving water at home, visit our Water – Use It Wisely pages and contact your city water conservation office or your local water provider.
Cathy Rymer is a water conservation coordinator with the City of Chandler, AZ, one of fifteen Water – Use It Wisely partners to offer water-saving advice and programs.