Archive for July, 2022

News & Events

Wayne Drop Reconnects with Impatient Fourth Grader!

July 21, 2022

Hello teachers, students, children, and fellow water savers! Wayne Drop here with a wonderful story that floods my heart. Way back in 2009 (when I was a slimmer water drop), I received a brave letter from little 4th grader Mya Oleksiak who wrote about her passion for water conservation. She dared to share her ideas and love for the water we cherish! At …

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Wayne Drop Reconnects with Impatient Fourth Grader!


July 14, 2022

Texas sages are among the most reliable and fool-proof of the low water use plants available in Arizona. In the past twenty years, many new species and varieties have been brought into cultivation. These evergreen shrubs are native to Texas and Mexico, and perform well in our desert with very little maintenance. These shrubs require full sun and good drainage. …

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Chihuahuan Sage

Cycle-and-Soak is Just One Idea for Smart Irrigation Month

July 7, 2022

July is Smart Irrigation Month! It’s the perfect opportunity to highlight this great cycle-and-soak watering method from WaterSense to be more efficient with your landscape water use! Watering Tips from WaterSense® It’s important to know when, how often and how long to water your lawn. Each landscape is different. One watering method, Cycle-and-Soak, makes sure your soil absorbs the most …

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