Archive for “Kids” Category

News & Events

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week!

May 3, 2021

Hey everybody! Wayne Drop here… Let’s face it, this school year has caused a wave of emotions and changes. But we are getting through it with the help of our amazing educators. Since 1984, National PTA has designated the first full week in May, every year, as a time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and …

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Earth Day with Wayne Drop

April 20, 2021

Hey everybody! Wayne Drop here…Earth Day is on April 22nd!   Earth Day is one of my favorite days of the year! After all, our amazing planet has 71% of its surface area covered in water. Earth Day was founded in 1970 to raise awareness about environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation and clean water. Since then, Earth Day has …

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Wayne Drop Asks “Are You Ready to Chase Down Leaks?”

March 15, 2021

Hey everybody! Wayne Drop here – the official spokes-drop for Water – Use It Wisely. I am overflowing with excitement to invite you to participate in the BEST WEEK OF THE YEAR… well at least it’s my favorite… Fix a Leak Week! First, Why Do We Need a Week for Leaks? Did you know that, in a year, water leaks …

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Meet Wayne Drop – Our Official Spokes-Drop

February 22, 2021

Hello everybody – Wayne Drop here! So, when kids see me for the first time, they often ask, “what are you?!” No, I am not a team mascot for one of our pro sports teams. I tried out for a team once and splatted like a water drop on the backflip test. Which makes total sense because that’s exactly what …

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Phoenix Water Presents Loo Poo

July 7, 2020

Wayne Drop, Water – Use It Wisely’s mascot for 20+ years, likes to be the center of attention when it comes to teaching kids and adults of all ages about ways to save water. You can find Wayne Drop at community events, schools, and libraries across the greater Phoenix region. Phoenix Water Services decided it was time Wayne Drop had …

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Educational Resources Involving Water In Arizona For Home-Bound Students

June 24, 2020

When it comes to finding worthwhile material for keeping the young ones occupied during these long weeks of sheltering in place, the need remains great even as the stack of interesting, educational options dwindles. We have found two online Arizona-centric sources that offer kid-level insight into the nature of the State’s water supplies, as well as some breathtaking depictions of …

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September 18, 2019

There’s so much to know about our H2O! Where does it come from and how does it get into our homes? How is it cleaned before we drink it? Which laws protect it? What other benefits does it offer besides public health and fire protection? We’ll get to these important topics in a minute. But first, we have a test …

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Queen Creek Showcases Water Conservation at Library

July 2, 2019

On average, how much water do you think a person uses each day? If you guessed 120 gallons … you are correct! That figure alone may not be very impressive, but when standing in front of a 16-foot-tall tower equaling 120 gallons, it becomes much more impactful! During the month of July, you can visit the Water – Use It …

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Queen Creek: This little guy is very happy to be at the library!

Green Parenting: 11 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Protect the Earth and Each Other

January 15, 2019

Reading and math are important, but there are equally important skills that kids aren’t taught in school. As parents, it is up to us to model healthy lifestyles for our kids, and we can do so with green parenting practices. By showing our kids that their family strives to make eco-friendly decisions with what we buy and eat, we can …

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Six Activities to Teach Kids About Water

October 30, 2018

Last April, I had my Water – Use It Wisely table set up on the back patio of a community center for an Earth Day event. A mom and her two young children were walking by and I heard the older one, about four years old, say, “Hey Mom, look, there’s a hummingbird on that tree.” I was shocked but …

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kids brushing teeth


December 20, 2017

Managing a scarce resource like water is serious business.  But come on, educating on how to use water wisely can and should be fun, especially if you want your message to resonate with kids. We’ve assembled a collection of some of the best online water conservation games. Here are a few examples from the Water – Use It Wisely campaign, …

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July 28, 2017

You’ve probably heard about the occasional cat on a power pole or a bird nesting on not-so-safe infrastructure, but we’ve got a new one for you: an otter in a Salt River Project canal! SRP delivers water to the Valley through a network of 131 miles of canals and 1,000 miles of laterals and ditches. SRP zanjeros and other workers …

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